broad bean

《broad bean》怎以读

英 [brɔ:d bi:n]
美 [brɔd bin]

《broad bean》是什么意思

  • 释义


  • 变形

    复数:broad beans


    broad bean

    • n.
      • seed of the broad-bean plant

        同义词:fava beanhorsebean

      • Old World upright plant grown especially for its large flat edible seeds but also as fodder

        同义词:broad-beanbroad-bean plantEnglish beanEuropean beanfield beanVicia faba

      • a bean plant cultivated for use animal fodder

        同义词:horse bean

      • shell beans cooked as lima beans

        同义词:fava bean

    学习《broad bean》怎么用


    1. They picked some broad beans to stay their hunger.
    2. My nephew eats broad beans all the time.


    The Effect of Boric Acid and Borax on the Broad Bean and certain other Plants
    The role of haustoria in sugar supply during infection of broad bean by the rust fungus Uromyces fabae
    Sorption kinetics and isotherm studies of a cationic dye using agricultural waste: broad bean peels.
    Two Voltage-Gated, Calcium Release Channels Coreside in the Vacuolar Membrane of Broad Bean Guard Cells.
    Nucleotide sequences of the 5.8S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer regions in carrot and broad bean ribosomal DNA
    Plant small nuclear RNAs. III. The complete primary and secondary structure of broad bean U2 RNA: phylogenetic and functional implic...
    The role and interrelationship of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in the UV-B-induced stomatal closure in broad bean
    Purification and Identification of a 42-Kilodalton Abscisic Acid-Specific-Binding Protein from Epidermis of Broad Bean Leaves
    Blue-Light- and Phosphorylation-Dependent Binding of a 14-3-3 Protein to Phototropins in Stomatal Guard Cells of Broad Bean
    Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in vivo results in singlet oxygen production detection via nitroxide-induced fluorescence quenchin...
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